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Business Partner

By joining the affiliate program with Turmeks, you can grow your own business and make a profit. 

 Turmeks Affiliate Partnership Program

With Turmeks Business Partnership; You can generate additional income from content creators, publishers, marketers, freelance speakers, confident bloggers, and more than your current job. Thanks to the Turmeks Partnership program, you can earn by directing people around you. You will earn up to 10% from the purchases or other applications with the people and people you recommend the REF code that we will create specifically for you.


“With the Revenue Partnership Program, you can earn as much as your goals and continuously increase your income, allowing you to create a business line that serves your own target audience.”

Sign up

Get yourself a big income by earning with Affiliate.


Customize yourself by creating connections with the people you connect with your REF code or via social media.


Receive up to 10% affiliate fees from qualified  application processes and programs. Our competitive conversion rates help you maximize your earnings.

To apply online for the affiliate program, you can complete your transactions via the link below.

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